Fylgja Fara… What does it mean?

In Old Norse, Fylgja, means “to accompany” or “to follow”. A Fylgja is believed to be a spiritual companion that is a guide or protector. Then there is, Fara, which means “to travel” or “journey”.

These beautiful phrases come together to make up the concept of my work. Aiding in the travel and the journeys of our beloved spiritual companions.


In honor of those who have shifted into another capacity of their spiritual journey, we bravely share their names and their stories.


“This is Ginger, she was our family’s first dog. She came to us as a little 13 week old sack of energizer batteries in 2004. Her favorite past time was digging in the garbage for anything that smelled good to her. She was our family’s joy. She was a sweet, grumpy and opinionated pup. She left this earth in 2017 at the age of 13.”

“Catrina. My squirrelly, fluffy girl. My dad said we could get a cat as long is it was a tuxedo. Well we found a tuxedo (her sister) but I begged and cried to bring Catrina home too. I wouldn’t leave without her. She was my first “real” pet. Catrina loved plastic milk jugs, socks, and a fleece pillow filled with coffee beans. 18 years was not long enough.”